The Journey Card

Please, sit! Such a generous patron - no, such a giving new FRIEND. It is so good to meet a kindred spirit seeking truth in the world. No, really, take a seat - I insist. After this wonderful trade it is the least I can offer. 

But first, let us pull a card to set the MOOD. 

Ah, wonderful-

The Journey Card

Auspicious Beginnings, Fortune-favored Travels, Quests of Enlightenment, Undeniable Signs of Change, The Door of Opportunity.

The Journey Card, when pulled, is a a card of Fate but always for the benefit of the one who must undergo the journey. Some may deny that they're on a journey or undergoing a transformation, but only because they cannot see it. When this card appears in a reading it is a sign that journey has already begun - and there is no turning back or deviating from the path. 

It is a kind card, a happy and shining card, but an absolute one. Some believe it is the first Moon Card and others say it is the last. 

However, we both know that isn't why you're here. 

You asked me a very important question and even traded something precious for it: The Moon Cards and where they come from. That is an EASY one to answer. Every Reader knows they are a GIFT from the MOON MOTHER. It is as simple as that. I hope you don't feel as if you wasted your time. When she arrived from the Moon and set foot onto the Sandlands she brought the cards with her and taught others the art of Reading, even as we lost so much else. Praise be! Are you a believer? You don't have to be, but I LOVE to make conversation.

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